Protect wild Alaska from Pebble Mine

What happens to the waters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, happens to all of us.

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In the remote waters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, exists the greatest wild salmon stronghold left on Earth, one that supplies half of the world’s sockeye salmon and where a record-setting 62 million salmon returned last year. But it is now up against one of the largest proposed gold and copper mines in the world: Pebble Mine.

Bristol Bay’s wild salmon have sustained Alaska’s indigenous communities for thousands of years and are an economic driver in Bristol Bay, supporting 14,000 jobs and generating $1.5 billion in economic activity, the impact of which is felt across the country. But above all, the salmon support healthy populations of whales, large birds of prey, including eagles, and one of the largest concentrations of brown bears found across the globe.

The Pebble Mine would drive a stake in the heart of this region.

It would destroy more than 3,500 acres of wetlands and 80 miles of salmon streams — and with the construction of infrastructure, including a 1,750-foot deep mine pit, 83-mile long transportation corridor, and a port site, critical habitat for endangered beluga whales, as well as grizzly bears, would be affected.

In addition to a coalition of stakeholders, including Alaska Native tribes, commercial fishermen, sportsmen, businesses, and nonprofits, a recent polling shows that the mine is opposed by more than 80 per cent of local residents — but what happens to the waters of Bristol Bay, happens to all of us.

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“If the salmon system collapses here, it will affect this entire ecosystem, from the bears and eagles to the tribes and businesses that depend on its health. The cost of Pebble Mine to this incredible environment and way of life is simply too great to risk.” — Paul Nicklen

Bristol Bay is only one critical decision away from possibly losing everything that makes it a celebrated national treasure. If we’re going to protect it, we need to act right now, while the project is still under review.


This is the wrong mine in the wrong place. Tell U.S. Congress to put a stop to Pebble Mine now before it’s too late.

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